That means it's permanent
so I guess we should address it, huh?
♥ last :
O1 Person you saw: well, i'm seeing people now actually
O2 Time you talked to on the phone: just now, to Sales
O3 Message over facebook: to nikki
♥ today :
O1 What are you doing now: this.
O2 What are you wearing right now: pants, tank top and shirt
O3 Better than yesterday? meh, it's all the damn same nowadays
♥ tmrw :
O1 Is: Friday, woohoo, wonderland
O2 Got any plans: helloooo, WONDERLAND!!!!
O3 Dislikes about tomorrow: i have work :(
♥ favourite :
O1 Number: trois
O2 Song: swagger like us
O4 Color: pink
O4 Season: summer
♥ ATM :
O1 Missing: Seria
O2 Mood: that a mood
O3 Wanting: to leave work
O1 I like to cuddle - True
O2 I am a morning person - nada
O3 I am a perfectionist - nada
O4 I am an only child - falseto
O5 I am currently in pajamas - false
O6 I am very shy with the opposite gender - true
O7 I can be paranoid at times - true
O8 I enjoy country music - false
O9 I love smoothies - true
1O I enjoy talking on the phone - false
11 I have a hard time paying attention at school - True
12 I have a hidden talent - falseto
13 I have all my grandparents - false :(
14 I have been told that I have a sense of humor - false
15 I have broken a bone - false
16 I have changed a lot over the past year - false :(
17 I have done something illegal - true
18 I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color - false
19 I have had surgery - does having a baby count, if not false
O1 Can you blow a bubble? si
O2 Can you dance? si senorrrr
O3 Can you do a cart wheel? nope
O4 Can you tie a cherry stem with ur tongue? yes
O5 Can you touch your toes? no *hangs head in shame*
O6 Can you whistle? yes
O7 Can you wiggle your ears? no
O8 Can you wiggle your nose? nope
O1 Ever get into a fist fight in school? nope
O2 Ever run away from home? no
O3 Ever want to be a doctor? no sirrrr, i hate blood
O4 Ever want to be a fire fighter? nada, but go out w/ one, HELL YEAH!!!!
O1 Believe in God? hmmmm
O2 Know how to swim? yes
O3 Like roller coasters? no
O4 have a bike? no
O1 Hair loss run through your family? no
O2 Your car get good gas mileage? it's aighhttt
O3 Your family have family picnics? does river lime count???
O1 Been on a plane? yup
O2 Asked someone out? nope
O3 Been asked out by someone? yup
O4 Been to the ocean? yup
O5 Gone fishing? yessirr
O6 Painted your nails? painted? w/ paint? no. w/ nail polish? yes
HOW ?!
O1 Tall are you? 5'5 .
O2 Much money do you have in your pocket right now? nada.
O1 Person you hung out with? meli after class on tuesday
O2 Thing you said out loud? why do Canadian airports start w/ y's and z's??
O3 Thing someone said to you? google it
O1 Is the temperature outside? cold mayan
O2 Radio station do you listen to? ipod
O3 The last restaurant you ate at? chili's......delish
O4 The last thing you bought? an outfit for picture day
O5 The last thing you had to drink? tea
O6 The last thing on tv you watched? the o.c
O1 The last person you talked to on the phone? a client
O2 Your current crush? confidential
O3 The last person you took a picture of? seria....i think
O4 The last person you said i love you to? my dad
♥ Crying section .
O1 Ever really cried your heart out? yup
O2 Ever cried yourself to sleep? no
O3 Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? no
O4 Ever cried over the opposite sex? yes
O5 Do you cry when you get an injury? not really
O6 Certain songs make you cry? did
O7 I'm crybaby? recently, yes
♥ Happy section .
O1 Are you a happy person? psshhhhh
O2 What can make you happy? Seria
O3 Do you wish you were happier? yes
O4 Can music make you happy? it cheers me up sometimes
♥ Love section .
O1 How many times have you had your heart broken? one too many
O2 Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them? yup
O3 Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said " i love you" to you? yes
♥ Hate section .
O1 Do you actually hate, anyone? yes
O2 Have you ever been on a hate list? not sure, but i'm sure i have
O3 Are you a mean bully? it depends who you ask
♥ Self esteem section .
O1 Is your self-esteem extremely low? yes
O2 Do you believe in yourself? nope
O3 Do you wish you can be someone else? nah
O4 What is your current hair color? does ugly constitute a color
O5 Current piercings? 4
O6 Have any tattoos? yup
O7 Straight hair or curly? straight
♥ Curently wearing .
O1 What shirt are you wearing? a white one
O2 Pants? slacks
O3 Shorts? no
O4 Shoes? ballet-esque type slippers
O5 Necklace? yup
♥ This or That ?
O1 Rock or rap: r&b
O2 Coffee or hot cocoa: coffee
O3 Wild night out or romantic night: romance mang
O4 Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
O5 Hummer or sports car? i like fast cars
O6 Bracelet or necklace: diamonds
O7 History or science: math
O8 Sleep in or early to rise: sleep innnnn
O9 Beach or boardwalk: beach
1O Hoodie or tee shirt: hoodie
11 High school or college? nada
12 California or florida: Cali
13 Love at first sight or learn to love: lust at firt sight, then learn to love, HAHAHAHA
♥ Have you ever ..
O1 Kissed the same sex? yup
O2 Hugged someone? yupper
O3 Been on the phone until the sun came up? yes
O4 Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? no
O5 Got in a fight with someone? no
♥ The lasts .
O1 Person you talked to in person? ACW people
O2 Person you talked to online? Nikki
O3 Person you talked to on the phone? A client
O4 Time you had a shower? Yesterday
♥ Random ..
O1 Do you like surveys? yea
O2 What kind of shampoo do you use? currently, head and shoulders
O3 Do you get along with your parents? mostly
O4 Do you have mental breakdowns? all the timeeeeee
1 comment:
R U ever going to up date your page..??
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