I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
So this is what I am wearing for Caribana this year. Mind you, this is only the second year that I am playing mas. I am playing with my sister and my cousin. They are both seasoned revellers, my cousin more so than meli, nonetheless, the have years and years of more experience than I do. Meli and I went to check out the mas camp for Carnival Nationz about a week after they first launched and the only section we all agreed was nice and wanted to play in was Secret Garden. When we got there we were advised that that section was promptly sold out at the actual launch. Ok, we then had to decide how we were going to do this.
We were scoping out band launches since the end of April looking for costumes that we liked and and dj's that were hot and most importantly, NO LIVE BANDS!!! haha, got you Truds, don't worry. So there was only one big band left to launch, when we made the decision to go with Nationz, and since Meli has something against Saldenah I was vetoed and here we are at the mas camp looking for costumes. After about 2 hours (no lie) using a fine tooth comb to sive out 3 costumes Meli and Truds decided on Scabiosa (which is a flower, google it) and I liked Poison Ivy. I thought Scabiosa was too much like our costumes last year. Once I get pics of both, I will put up and you can see.
Anyways, maybe because I was pmsing or my cousin on the phone was encouraging me that "we don't have to play in the same sections, we'll meet once the sections cross the stage", but whatever it is, I'm playing by myself!!!! I bought a Poison Ivy and the two people I play with are not playing with me!!!
I know that with my luck, we will be sepearated probably by all the other sections and I'm not going to know anyone. I have enough issues alone, crossing the stage with people I know!!! Plus, there section is already 90% sold out while mine is pushing "good numbers"......wtf......that's layman terms for not really sell that great.......ggreeeaaatttttt
I will keep you updated on how it goes after Caribana.
Have fun with that :P
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