Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm not here for your entertainment

You don't really want to mess with me tonight

Maybe it's just me and maybe this explains why i'm single, but I hate it, like DESPISES it when a girl has to change who she is for a dude! Why the f*ck can't a girl be the same person she is with her friends and boyfriend/husband?!?! Don't change your voice when you pick up the phone, don't front like you don't do stuff you know you do, and lastly, don't drop jack all for him!
I've known too many girls that do all this crap for these dudes. And it's not even like they're really good guys. They've put these girls through sh*t and the girls still let them get away with it. Hell, most of the girls i'm talking about are still with these guys. Now, it's true, it's not necessarily the guys fault if he's an ass, but c'mon now girls, you've cuss'd me out for less than what they've done to you!
I'm soooo tired of being put on the blasted back burner because the guy suddenly realises that he has time for you.



newer said...

Oh jeezums, whose that?? Hope it isn't me!! I really don't think I've changed that much :P

Hey, I want you to remember that guys do it too. . .I've got plenty of guy friends who turn all cunty once they've got a person too. Completely punk you off after that. Wha-chew

Meli said...

Um, have you taken your meds today?

Moniksca said...

oh I hate ppl like that too, thank god I'm not surrounded by those kind of ppl, I'd probably have to inflict some serious pain on them.

leeesssaaa said...

You haven't changed at all Nikki, that's why I loooovvveeeee you.
Meli shut up!!
It's b/c ur all the way over there that's why, Mo. I really, really wish I couls dis-associate myself sometimes.