Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ay yo, I smoke like a chimney

Matter fact - I smoke like a gun when a killer sees his enemy.

Not really, I don't smoke, but why is it you can't find lyrics like this anymore. WHO KILLED THE MOTHER FRICKIN' MUSIC?!?!?!

Anywho, just an update in my sad and pathetic life. No, I lie again, I'm just in one of those moods where I think my life suck, but really I should be counting my blessings. And I am grateful for everything that everybody that I have in my life. I have had alot of oppurtunities that have been more than enough to get me to where I want to be, it's my own slackness and laziness that's stopping me. I have no one to blame but myself.

Again, not really the point. This weekend was a long weekend. I made it extra long, not to the liking of Meli, as now I don't hav enough vacation time in November to go to Turks and Caicos. I know, I suck, I'm sorry (again). I will work something out, don't even worry about it.

Tried to prep Baby for the first day back. No, that's not true. I was trying to prep for the first day back for Baby. I miss sleeping in. I forgot how creative one has to be to pack a lunch. I forget how inflexible teachers can be and even worse, school secretaries. Hello, I'm not the student, speak to me like an adult, BECAUSE I AM ONE!!!! I forgot about all the issues Baby has with "friends". I forgot how I have to fight the urge to go to the school and smack all the wayward children. I forgot that I have to let Baby fight her own battles, and try not to hold on so tight. I forgot about all the extra costs involved with public school as all our money is now going into Catholic school board, and the new Afro-centric school.

Mo, you don't know how good you got it, mannnn.

1 comment:

Moniksca said...

Hey I told you to move up here so I could homeschool your child. Once we figure out where we're going you're welcome to come along as well. You know why the secretaries talk down to you it's because you're a young mom, I got that too. they think you can't parent. don't let me get started on where my tax dollars are going. bull.