Sunday, November 1, 2009

If you should ever find someone new,

I know she'd better be good to you.............

Totally random update;
  • I hate being brokeass.
  • I start work in a week. YAH!!
  • I don't get paid until the end of the month. BOO!!
  • Happy Birthday Daddy!
  • Why do my parents INSIST on living on a blasted haunted house?!?! (I'll update about that later)
  • Damn you Gary!!
  • Damn, I have a lot of spelling mistakes on this blog. I wish there was a spell check before posting.
  • Halloween party was the bomb. Thanks Meli

Ok, that's it.



Moniksca said...

did u change jobs?

Infiniti said...

Knock-Knock-Knock......It's Gary....!!!!!!

newer said...


1.I also hate being brokeass like MAJORLY so o_O (aren't you going on vacay soon?)
2. YAY!
3. BOO!
4. Happy Bday lala's dad :)
5. Haunted houses are cool. . and I still believe your place is haunted o_O

6. Hi Gary :)
7. Spellin g mistakes rule!! PRON :P

8. Post pics of party!! :)

Meli said...

Ooh, ooh, I know the song!