Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Someone to love with my life in their hands.....

There's gotta be somebody for me, ohhhhhhh

Ok, this post is all self loathing.

On Facebook, one of my old friends from high school is engaged. She just finished university, so I guess it makes sense, but I just thought that she had already had an arranged marriage. She hasn't and now she's getting married. Everyone I know is either married or in a long term relationship. Even Teens was single, (although I can't be sure if she's still single now, but she has some sort of "signifigant other" in her life. I'm happy for her, there's no animosity or jealousy, other than the fact that i'm looking and have yet to find someone). Even the loser girls in high school got married. Does that make me more of a loser than them??? If you know anything about me, you know that I like to fu*k myself over and sabotage myself, so it will come as no surprise that I apply that methodology to my love life as well, but damn it lady luck, be on my side for once mannn!!!!
Nikki pointed out that once I stop looking, something my way will come, but I can't stop looking. I'm almost 30!!!! And I have a kid, who's forever needing some kind of male role model (mind you Grandpa is not even a good role model as he like to give Milo for breakfast!!! Uncle's cool and baby is only afraid of him for some reason, but I feel like it's too much pressure for him sometime, as Marky is crazy and sometimes needs all sorts of attention. Uncle needs to be able to breathe once in a while between baby and fat head. Luv ya Marky!!!)

So i'm a loser, not in love, and lonneneelllyyyy.

Done my self loathing......for now.


Meli said...

Yes, but she's the only person on the face of the planet that listens to Uncle. Lord knows Marky doesn't.

newer said...

There is nothing 'wrong' with being single! We're only 27 ya know!! Mind you, some of those same relationships might go bust in ten years so better to wait and 'let' the right one come to you instead of looking :)