Thursday, August 6, 2009

But before the night is through

I wanna do bad things with you.........

So she and her rave about True Blood. So being the independant individual that I am, I decided to follow fashion and see what the hype is with it. Honestly, after the whole Twilight debacle, I'm honestly ready to take a break from vampires for a longggg ass while. But they just kept on and on about how no sparkly vampires (which is a good, good thing), no stupid little girls falling in love with the beautiful vampires, (although Sookie is a little bit annoying). I decided to give it a try.
I went to Blockbuster because I don't have HBO and I keep forgetting what site Neekee told me to go to. I thought that the whole season would be on the same disc, so I didn't even look at the dvd when I rented it. I ended up renting episodes 8,9 and 10. Then hell, I already paid for it might as well watch it. So since I was dropped right in the middle, I wasn't really blown away. It was ok.....definately better than Twilight, but still just meh.
But meh, whatever. Later this week, I'm going to try to get the first couple episodes and see if it makes a difference.
Will keep you posted.


newer said...

Sookeh is mmaahhnn. . .lol!! Yeah, I actually really hate Sookie and Bill or Beel as she calls him. I love LaFayette though but I like the story overall and there's nothing else on except reality tv. I'm just waiting for Mad Men to come back. o_O Need better shows dammit!!

Meli said...

I LOVE ERIC!! Can't wait for what is going to happen next, cause you can so tell what is going to happen next and it is going to be awesome.