Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Transformed into firearm.....

POW Megatron

So I guess i'm learning the hard way, that the grass isn't greener in the yard next door. Especially when the neighbour promises of a brand new lawn mower and hedge trimmer. Especially, when I realise that the property is actually a rental piece and there hasn't been a steady tenant ever. Especially since I realised that the home owner actuallly kicked out the previous tenant, because they didn't like them. Next time, I decide to move houses, I should reallly look into the neighbourhood and the actual block that the property is on. Lesson learned the hard way.
Mind you, because I am in dire need to move out now, I am again looking for anything that I can find within my budget, even another rental property.
But i'm promising myself, that my next steady yard will be a well thought of place and not necessarily just a move on a whim.......

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